“Hatha Yoga is a form of Yoga based on a series of psychophysical exercises of ancient origin, born in the initiatic schools of India and Tibet.
The word Hatha means the energy of the sun (Ha) and the moon (Tha), so Hatha Yoga represents the union of the sun and the moon, of solar, masculine energies and lunar, feminine energies. The positions that the body assumes in Hatha Yoga are called Asana in Sanskrit, and although they may seem like mere gymnastic exercises, they are much more.
The Asanas in Hatha Yoga Asanas have countless purposes: they help stimulate internal organs by improving blood circulation, promote stretching and toning of muscles, encourage the release and proper functioning of the diaphragm, and help regain proper concentration by combating stress.
In the Asanas of Hatha Yoga, both the body and mind find firmness and tranquility. During the practice, our attention is directed towards listening to the regular flow of breath, a very important aspect of yoga that helps us find the inner balance and unity necessary in everyone’s life.
Hatha Yoga: Who is it suitable for The Hatha Yoga course practiced at the Holismos center in Varese is accessible to everyone; consistency in practice with the right mental attitude is important. Our courses are based on the teachings of the solid principles of the eight limbs of classical Hatha Yoga, and from this knowledge base, our students can intelligently and creatively explore the multiple aspects of contemporary yoga.
The 8 branches of classical Hatha Yoga are:
- Yama: ethical principles regulating behavior towards others
- Niyama: the correct way to behave with oneself
- Asana: yoga postures
- Pranayama: breathing exercises
- Pratyahara: control of the senses
- Dharana: the ability to focus attention
- Dhyana: meditation
- Samadhi: the state of bliss.